Claims Workflow

In the event of an insured loss, the claims module is used to submit and process a claim from the initial entry to final payment.

  1. The claims process begins with a First Notice of Loss (FNOL).  Under the Claims menu, select First Notice Of Loss.  A new claim is created and the claims workflow screen opens. Note that a claims workflow must be configured prior to submitting a FNOL. For additional information, see the Configuring a Claims Workflow section.
  2. The claims form is in the center of the screen, with widgets on either side containing additional information and controls.  See the Claims Screen Elements and Navigation section for detailed descriptions of the screen components.

  3. Work through the steps of the claim form, completing all necessary information.  Fields marked with a red asterisk * are required.
  4. Once enough information and a Date of Loss has been provided and saved, the Select Policy link may become available in the Claim Actions widget. This allows the claim to be associated to a specific policy.  This step may be optional, or may be required before submitting the claim.
  5. Once the FNOL is complete, click Submit Claim.  The claim is assigned to an agent for handling.
  6. Take note of the Claim No displayed in the Claim Information widget.  This will be used to access the claim in the future.
  7. To open an existing claim for review, open the Claims menu and select Search / List.  The Claims page opens, listing all available claims.
  8. Locate the Claim No in the System Number column and click the link.  The claims workflow screen opens.